Posted by: nikicf | April 14, 2010

Anniversary Tribute Post!

I missed it because of a busy week, but April 7 was my “running anniversary”!  I did my first run of the Couch to 5K program on April 7, 2009 and I wanted to remember this date here as it is a pretty big deal for me. I made myself the promise that I’d do one 5K race and I kept that promise – and kept going!  It still amazes me that I like it.  And that I started with 90 seconds and ended up running over two hours!  Crazy!

Just took a “run down memory lane”  (I’m a dork, but typing that made me smile!) on the milestones from this past year.  “They” always say to find a form of exercise you enjoy and I honestly never thought it would happen.  I’m so very thankful and happy to have “found” running.  Not that I like every minute of every run, but I’ve learned to love the sweat, the huffing and puffing and the sense of accomplishment.  And MOST OF ALL, the long shower afterwards!!

In my backyard, after my first ever 5K

After my first 7K race, the Parkinson’s SuperWalk

With my longtime friend, Leah, after our first 10K race

With Christina, after my first 15K race

Running in across the finish line after my first 21.1K race

I hope I’ll be writing another anniversary post next year, with new races I’ve run and highlights from my year in running!


  1. amazing and inspirational. way to go for ‘finding’ running and accomplishing great ‘lengths’ with it 🙂

  2. I know! I can’t believe you kept running and running. You’re awesome! Running is a great spot, isn’t it?

  3. great post! so inspiring. I’m doing my first 5K next month, thanks to you!!! (oh, and with c25k, you started doing 60 second runs, btw!)

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